25-27 SEPTEMBER & 2-4 OKTOBER 2014
2014 08 31

Why the Best of Midlands beer Box?

For more information about the box go to: http://www.holygrale.se/best-of-the-midlands-summer-edition-beer-box/

To read about Holy Grale's search for perfectly crafted Midlands ales go to: http://www.holygrale.se/blog/crusade-1-the-search-for-the-perfectly-crafted-uk-midlands-summer-ales/

To read how we selected 6 beers from 60 go to: http://www.holygrale.se/blog/how-we-got-from-sixty-beers-to-six/

Arrangör: Stockholm Öl & Vin AB, Karlavägen 75b, SE 114 49 Stockholm | +46(0)8-662 94 94 | info@stockholmbeer.se